Several hundred agitating students, including those of Mohammadpur Govt College and Shyamoli Ideal Polytechnic Institute, on the day blocked the road at Mohammadpur Bus Stand point from 11:00am to 2:00pm demanding half bus fare.
‘We want half fares to travel all the buses in Dhaka. This is our right, not anyone’s kindness,’ said Mohammadpur Government College student Shimu Akter, echoing her fellow protesters.
The whole area witnessed severe traffic congestion due to the blockade.
Students started agitating for half bus fares after the government on November 7, bowing to the demand of the bus owners and workers, raised the fares by 27 per cent only for diesel-run buses.
The government on November 4 increased the prices of diesel and kerosene by 23 per cent, prompting the owners and workers of good and passenger transports to call a countrywide strike for an indefinite period for fare hike.