《#哈哈台街訪》這次前往花蓮縣!出發前我們蒐集了許多傳說想映證!花蓮有米老鼠?花蓮高中的體育服神似網球王子?四維高中一秒七下掌?還特別拜訪了搬回花蓮創作的 @hanhanpovideo 與導演!身為花蓮人的阿翰與我們分享他的回憶。除此之外,這次我們前進了太魯閣族部落!敬請期待下集!
Hualien County. Area-wise, it’s the largest county in all of Taiwan, Because of its geography, it was developed much later in Taiwan’s history. Before the Suhua Highway was built, it was actually accessible only by boat! That’s why people called it “an island on an island”, and why it remains a stronghold of indigenous culture. Hualien is known for its nature tourism. With Taroko National Park, Qingshui Cliffs and the Xiugulan River, Hualien is truly one of nature’s masterpieces. With development happening on the strip between the central mountain range and the ocean. Hualien has unbeatable natural views of both mountains and sea. Hahatai has come to this island to bring you the leisurely people of daytime Hualien.
Hualien EP2:
請鎖定GagaOOLala :
百萬訂閱靠你了 按讚開啟小鈴鐺🔔
我們出的衣服都在這 我每天穿
其他閒人週邊 好玩又實用
【傳送門 Chapters】
00:00 好山好水好花蓮 Hualien intro
00:49 花蓮迪士尼樂園 Hualien Mickey mouse?
01:57 花蓮:抄襲之都 the city of copy
03:02 網球王子的制服?the uniform of The Prince of Tennis
04:03 四維高中?當兵? “7 claps in 1 second” of Siwei High School
05:56 花蓮人買車票小撇步 tips to buy tickets to Hualien
07:41 花蓮人會怕地震嗎?Hualien people are afraid of earthquakes?
09:21 花蓮人很會唱歌?Hualien people all sing well?
12:01 原住民阿伯分辨其他族 How do Indigenous people differentiate between tribes?
13:44 有聽過:我就問~ what “ey-sa” means
14:27 阿翰!醬肉花蓮!Han is here! In Hualien!
16:47 下集預告:太魯閣族部落之旅 Next episode, a trip to the Truku tribe
17:18 欣欣麵館的老闆!Boss of xinxin restaurant
19:55 《酷蓋爸爸2》精采預告 Promo
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