Original song by Tears for fears :
Consider supporting the channel, I know what I do ain't much but its honest work ❤ Plus this video is not monetizing :( as it got copyright claimed :
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A big big shoutout to all the people who helped me with this cover,
Daniele Tonelli for the translation and training. As always, a pleasure to be working with you.
Marvin at tidestudioind for the amazing mixing and mastering, If you want to get your music mixed and mastered by a master, I highly recommend his services on fiverr:
And lastly, to my friend Dheeraj Basumatary for the really kickass art for this video.
Saluta vitam tuam,
non licet convertere.
Nobis dormientibus,
spectaberis gerere te
quam optime.
Praesta terga naturae,
omnes optant mundum regere.
Est consilium meum,
Est conscientia mea.
Adiuva ut decernam,
Adiuva ut augeam
libertatis gaudiique.
Nihil (h silent) umquam est aeternum,
omnes optant mundum regere.
Locus est ubi lux te inveniet non,
tuas manus teneo dum paries corruit.
Cum acciderit, ero tecum,
Maxime gaudeo hoc potiri,
Contristor hoc deleri.
omnes optant mundum regere.
Non fero hanc dubitationem
iunctam improvidentiae.
Omnes optant mundum…
Dic mihi numquam numquam (h is silent)
numquam opust est hoc.
Cur credis unae inscriptioni?
Omnes optant mundum regere.
Omnia ad libertatem gaudium-que
Nihil (h silent) umquam est aeternum,
omnes optant mundum regere.
#bardcore #latin #tearsforfears #everybodywantstoruletheworld #romanempire #rome #history