1. Record electron temperatures for a small-scale, sheared-flow-stabilized Z-pinch fusion device achieved
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 155101 (2024) - Elevated Electron Temperature Coincident with Observed Fusion Reactions in a Sheared-Flow-Stabilized $Z$ Pinch
2. MIT’s superconducting magnets are ready for fusion | MIT Technology Review
3. U.S. lawmakers introduce bill aimed at accelerating nuclear fusion
4. Creating an island paradise in a fusion reactor
5. Europe delivers equipment for ITER’s cold vacuum circuit - Fusion for Energy
Q&A: Dr. Michael Ford on the Potential for Fusion-Powered Ships Sea Technology magazine (sea-technology.com)
Energy Switch | Nuclear Fusion | Season 4 | Episode 1 | PBS
The race to fusion energy: a geopolitical opportunity that encourages international collaboration.
Building the cruise control of a nuclear fusion reactor | Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research
The Hope and Hype of Fusion Energy, Explained - Joseph Polidoro - The Dispatch
The EU blueprint for fusion energy