1 The Sound Sandwich–Apothecary Dream 00:00
2 The Second Helping– Let Me In 02:50
3 The Leathercoated Minds–Psychotic Reaction 05:43
4 The Wailers –I Don't Want To Follow You 08:12
5 Gypsy Trips– Ain't It Hard 10:35
6 The Second Helping– Hard Times 12:59
7 The Leathercoated Minds–Eight Miles High 15:09
8 The Second Helping– On Friday 17:17
9 The Sound Sandwich–Tow Away 20:02
10 The Shindogs–Who Do You Think You Are 22:07
11 The Second Helping–Floating Downstream On An Inflatable Rubber Raft 24:35
12 The Sound Sandwich–Zig Zag News 27:04
13 The Leathercoated Minds–Non-Stop 30:26
14 Sunday Servants–I'm Puttin' You On 32:38
15 Sunday Servants–Who Do You Love 34:56
16 Roger Tillison–Nobody's Lover 37:18