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. It's time for a snack, but Baby Taku is too engrossed in playing to take a break. His mother gently reminds him that he needs nutritious snacks like fruits, nuts, and milk to help keep his energy levels up.
Snack Time Song Lyrics :
Come my Baby, come my dear
It’s time for your snack
Snack time, snack time, snack time,
It’s Baby’s snack time!
Mommy, Mommy, why is that?
Why must Baby have a snack?
Baby wants to play, play, play!
No snack for Baby today.
Baby needs some energy
To get through the day
A snack will give him the power he needs
To jump around and play!
Baby doesn’t want to be tired
Feel lazy and cranky
Baby wants his energy
A snack for Baby, please!
Something healthy for Baby to drink,
Something healthy for Baby to munch
Yummy milk in his favorite cup
And fruit that go CRUNCH!
Why must Baby have milk and fruit?
Can Baby have something else?
Can Baby have some soda to drink?
Can Baby have candy to eat?
Soda and candy are bad for your teeth
Not good for Baby’s health
But milk and fruits have vitamins
That will give him muscles and strength!
Baby wants to be tough and big
With strong and shiny teeth
Baby wants a healthy snack
Can Baby have fruit and milk, please?
If Baby chooses healthy treats
Like fruits and nuts and cheese
He will grow up to be strong and smart
With muscles as big as mine!
Baby has finished his milk
He has finished all his fruit
With these yummy, healthy treats
Baby is full of energy!
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Nursery rhymes in English
Video: Copyright 2022 ChuChu TV® Studios
Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2022 ChuChu TV® Studios
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used are the registered trademarks of ChuChu TV Studios
#ChuChuTV #NurseryRhymes