📌 Let's Connect!
TikTok: theacodeofficial
Email: theacode2309@gmail.com
Director: H
Camera Operator: THEHUY
Video Editor: H
Choreographer: Bi, H, Rim, Wendy
Dancer: Bi, BL, Hans, Wury, Rim, Wendy, Boxx, Maddie, RI A
Stylist & Make-up: The A-code
Supporter: An, Ice, Ngoc Bui, Jade
Song: Tết Real Khum?
Performed & Written by Wowy, MCK, hnhngan
Music Producer: Masew
Recording Studio: InQ International
Recorder: Benjamin James
Mixing and Mastering: Michael Choi
Thanks to Beck's Ice x Dentsu Redder x W Media Entertainment
#TếtRealKhum #LetsGetReal #MởMạchTếtReal #theAcode #BecksIce