Track llist:
1. Quit Riot -- Cum On Feel The Noize -- Intro cue and audio effect
2. Queen -- Bohemian Rhapsody -- Cue and audio effect
3. Toni Basil -- Street Beat -- Loop, Cue and audio effect
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Gear and Software Setup: Serato, Akai MPD24 (MIDI mode, controlling Serato - Cue, Loop and Effects) and Vestax PMC-05 Pro IV Mixer.
I used Canon 550D to shoot my video in two different angles (90° and 45°)
Canon 550D video set-up:
1. Manual Mode
2. Fast Prime Lens -- 50mm -- F1.4
3. ISO -- 800
4. Shutter speed -- 1/50s
5. Aperture -- F/1.4 - Sharp image - Shallow depth of field
6. Resolution -- 1080P -- 24fps -- full HD -- Standard
7. Custom White balance -- Cloudy
8. Disable highlight tone priority
Cum On Feel The Noize - Quit Riot
Come on feel the noise
Girls rock your boys
We'll get wild, wild, wild!
Wild, wild, wild!
Bohemian Rhapsody -- Queen
I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, scaramouch - will you do the fandango
Gallileo, gallileo, gallileo, gallileo,
Gallileo figaro magnifico
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Street Beat - Toni Basil
1. Beat beat beat beat
2. Whistle
3. 1234