10-cu sinif sözləri a hərfi ilə başlayan sözlər-10-cu sinif ingilis dili @sifirdaningilizce

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10-cu sinif sözləri a hərfi ilə başlayan sözlər @sifirdaningilizce
10-cu sinif
able-bodied [ˌeɪbl ˈbɒdid ] (adj) physically healthy, fit, strong in contrast to somebody who is weak or disabled
abolish [ əˈbɒlɪʃ ] (v) officially end a law, a system or an institution
absorb [ əbˈzɔːb ] (v) take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space around
access [ˈækses ] (n) a way of entering or reaching a place
accomplishment [ əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt ] (n) an impressive thing that is done after a lot of work
admission [ədˈmɪʃn] (n) the act of accepting somebody into an institution, organization, etc.; the right to enter a place or to join an institution or organization
adore [əˈdɔː(r)] (v) admire, to love somebody madly/very much
alter [ˈɔːltə ] (v) make different, change, vary
amateur [ˈæmətə ] (n) a person who does smth for pleasure not for money or as a profession
amputate [ˈæmpjuteɪt ] (v) cut off smb’s arm/leg/ or finger in a medical operation
annual [ˈænjuəl ] (adj) once a year/smth that appears yearly or lasts for a year
anthem [ˈænθəm ] (n) a song that has a special importance for a country, an organization or a particular group of people, and is sung on special occasions
aquifer [ˈækwɪfə(r) ] (n) a layer of rock or soil that can absorb and hold water
arrange [ əˈreɪndʒ ] (v) plan or organize something in advance
available [ əˈveɪləbl ] (adj) that you can get, buy or find


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Добавлено: 55 год.
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  10-cu sinif sözləri a hərfi ilə başlayan sözlər-10-cu sinif ingilis dili @sifirdaningilizce - RusLar.Me