Unravel the chilling yet lesser-known story of Herod's decree in Bethlehem. Dive into a historical perspective as we explore why the infamous act of slaughter doesn't appear in historical records. With Bethlehem's population in the first century ranging from just 200 to 300 people, the number of male children under two would have been extremely small. Discover why this tragic event, which seems monumental, might not have been recorded—considering Herod's notoriety and the insignificance of this small shepherd town at the time. An eye-opening discussion on history, perspective, and the unseen events that shaped our past. #HistoryUncovered #HiddenHistories #Bethlehem #Herod #BiblicalStories #HistoricalMysteries #UnseenEvents #AncientWorld #PerspectiveShift #PodunkTown