Order Coal Chamber's new 6LP 'Loco' boxset in exclusive vinyl colorways here:
Video produced by Christina Rowatt for REVOLVER.
00:00 The story of Coal Chamber classic, “Loco”
03:04 The sex, drugs and rock and roll early Nineties in LA
03:20 Who were you when you started Coal Chamber?
04:39 The intensity of Coal Chamber & the only show they ever cancelled
05:53 The dawn of the nu-metal era and Korn’s strategy for filling shows
07:02 Dez’s take on the genre, where they fit in, why it was special and where it went wrong
08:06 Mexican gangs in attendance at Coal Chamber shows, paying tribute to the culture
08:42 How did who flew a flag for the band affected the performance?
10:08 The gaps between the Korn, Deftones and Coal Chamber audiences & the shared attitude
10:36 Where are the original members now?
10:50 Why he broke up the band
11:10 Fear and making it through
12:12 Rayna’s situation, now & then
13:17 Maintaining band relationships
14:35 The artists that pushed him forward & those who didn’t believe
16:46 Coal Chamber’s legacy
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