Drop out of life with shaman drum in hand.
Kirouksia ja kuolinlauluja (Finnish for Curses and Deathsongs) is a musical ritual depicting the spirit of ancient Finnish magic and heathenry. Drawing inspiration from the rich and enigmatic verses of Suomen Kansan Vanhat Runot archives, the album delves deep into the world of spells and curses, particularly those dealing with death. Traditional instruments like the kantele and the jouhikko are employed to evoke the spirits of yesteryears, while the driving force of repetitive, massive ritual drumming adds an entrancing, otherworldly dimension to the music.
Get it on CD on Bandcamp:
Band: Virrentakoja
Album: Kirouksia ja kuolinlauluja
Year: 2023
Genre: Nordic Folk / Pagan Folk
Country: Finland
Savo-Karelian Productions 2023 in association with Folk Ø Positive.
#nordicfolk #paganfolk #kantele