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Today we visit Shibata-san, an artisan with 50 years of experience making Mino-Yaki pottery and sculptures. Here at the Home of Clay Arts he holds classes for anyone interested in learning from him, including foreign students!
Tel: 0572-22-6322
Cell phone: 090-1283-3197
email: info@ho-ca.com
Shokunin (職人) is the Japanese word for craftsman or craftswoman. These are the men and women who preserve Japan’s traditional legacy of hand-crafting products including swords, drums, fans, pottery and more. Many shokunin use crafting methods that have been passed down for hundreds of years, sometimes within a single family. But because most things can be mass-produced these days, shokunin, and their skills, are disappearing. We want to help protect Japan’s historical arts by spreading awareness of their arts and broadening their market within Japan and overseas.
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Music by Amarante:
Don't Look Back (Instrumental) ()
World Outside Our Window (Instrumental) ()