Приглашаем к сотрудничеству в области проектирования HVAC:
E-mail: 1@climat-project.ru
Tel. RUS: +7 909 836 13 56, +7 924 689 77 32
Tel. UKR: +38 063 133 33 10
web: www.климатпроект.рф
PS: в интересах заказчика и проектанта, данный материал защищен авторским правом.
Video report of the project for ventilation and air conditioning systems, results of CFD modeling of the thermal section of the Stalkanat-Silur plant, Odessa. Designer: "Ekoplast Shtantsl Ukraine" Ltd. together with the Creative Studio "Climate Workshop".
We invite you to cooperate in the field of HVAC design:
E-mail: 1@climat-project.ru
Tel. RUS: +7 909 836 13 56, +7 924 689 77 32
Tel. UKR: +38 063 133 33 10
web: www.климатпроект.рф
PS: in the interests of the customer and the designer, this material is protected by copyright.