1. Practices that can help us (be more likely to) survive a possibly apocalyptic future
2. Practices that can help us transform society into one that is egalitarian (characterized by equality)
3. Practices that can help us stop destroying the environment
4. Elinor Ostrom’s book “Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action”, and the Eight Design Principles discussed in that book
5. Real life, real world examples of people solving the collective action problem
6. Real life, real world examples of people managing scarce economic resources in ways that are egalitarian: both egalitarian in the sharing of resources, and in the sharing of the power people have over management decisions
Sources listed in text in the video
Quotes from texts by Ostrom and Hardin are AI replication of their voices
00:00 Intro
03:22 Chapter 1: “The Event”
10:06 Chapter 2: Governing the Commons: What it means & Why it matters
18:26 Chapter 3: Getting Started
19:27 Chapter 3.1: Case Study: Irrigation commons in Sri Lanka
34:51 Chapter 3.2: Enablers of Success
43:14 Chapter 3.3: Additional Insights 50:03 Chapter 3.4 Additional Learning Resources
51:29 Chapter 4: This one factor contributes to nearly every failure to govern a commons
1:12:40 Chapter 5: Eight Design Principles for a successful commons
1:14:18 Chapter 5.1: Design Principle 1
1:20:00 Chapter 5.2: Design Principle 2
1:29:46 Chapter 5.3: Design Principle 3
1:33:20 Chapter 5.4: Design Principle 4
1:43:28 Chapter 5.5: Design Principle 5
1:48:39 Chapter 5.6: Design Principle 6
1:52:43 Chapter 5.7: Design Principle 7
1:59:25 Chapter 5.8: Design Principle 8
2:07:03 Chapter 5.9: Review & Commentary (of/on the Eight Design Principles)
2:09:42 Chapter 6: Three More Design Principles (suggested by me)
2:10:37 Chapter 6.1: Design Principle 9
2:19:47 Chapter 6.2: Design Principle 10
2:25:43 Chapter 6.3: Design Principle 11
2:27:47 Chapter 7: A Better World Is Possible (and learning resources to help make it happen)
2:39:53 Chapter 8: Review (of the entire video)
2:44:30 My Political Philosophy
2:46:20 Outro
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►►Check out some of my other videos◄◄
► POST-CAPITALISM: A Detailed Look at How It Could Work
► How We Lost Our Freedom
► The Real Tragedy Is Not The Commons
• Anark: “Inside the Zapatista movement: Mexico’s hidden revolution”
• Neighbor Democracy: “The Communes of Rojava: A Model In Societal Self Direction”
• LuckyBlackCat: “Post-Capitalism: A Detailed Look At How It Could Work”
• LuckyBlackCat: “How to Grow a Movement: Tips for Activists & Organizers”
Disclaimer: I still haven’t read the books but they come highly recommended
• Rebecca Solnit: A Paradise Built In Hell
• The Response: Building Collective Resilience in the Wake of Disasters
free copy
• Shane Simonson: Taming The Apocalypse
In Person
• IWW Organizer 101 Training
Cows With Guns (song: Dana Lyons; visuals: Bjorn-Mange Stuestol; channel Thermosion)
Cows With Guns (see above)
Jhay Kala: straight loop reggaeton beat loop
Bensound.com: Relaxing
MK2: Move Out
Bill Withers “Lean On Me” cover by Amy Bishop & Raymond Salgado (channel: Raymond Salgado) Creative Commons
Unicorn Heads: Boardroom Theme
AI: “Billionaires & Shock-Collars”; “Warm Nuts”
Freepik: business man counting money
Igva (Freepik) Digital 80s abstract 3d animation background
schranzzzZ82 “Retro 2017 (loop)” video description says: “No Copyright”
Manipal Hospitals “Celebrating International Nurses Day” Creative Commons
More credits listed in video