Discord :
lyrics: you're not Taylor Swift with 1 era that mattered mine i've been sent from the past to save our career save my career my 25 year career where i've sold like a billion albums we sold all that off my back what'd you think it was just some sort of coincidence that i popped through that portal and dropped Houdini and poof all of a sudden magically Eminem's back on top well i'm back dunu nunu-nunu nu-nu-nu-nu i've created a monster cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more they want Shady i'm chopped liver
Description Tags: Eminem Slim Shady rap battle, Slim Shady vs. Eminem rap battle. Eminem Marshall Mathers, Slim Shady Marshall Mathers. Eminem's new album, new music, and new song. The death of Slim Shady, Coup de Grace. Eminem disses, diss tracks, and feuds—old Eminem vs. new Emine eminem slim shady eminem slim shady rap battle slim shady eminem rap battle eminem marshall mathers slim shady marshall mathers eminem marshall mathers eminem new album eminem new music eminem new song eminem the death of slim shady coup de grace eminem disses eminem diss eminem diss track eminem feud eminem feuds old eminem new eminem