In a recently released interview made by a local Burkinabe media, President Ibrahim Traore revealed some interesting news and details of some of the things that have been going on in the country. In today's video, we are going to show you those details and also analyze them together. First, Traore spoke about the issue of negotiating with rebels. Since, terrorism became a huge problem in Africa, there have been some countries that have been open to the idea of negotiating with these Jih so that they can stop attacking people. It would surprise you to know that in November last year, it was reported that the military junta of Niger, General Tiani, began negotiations with Rebels as part of efforts to seek solutions to the country’s escalating insecurity. According to the publications released, 86 terrorists were released from the anti-terrorist cell as well as other prisons, and among the freed are notorious terrorist leaders such as Dandjou Aliou, Haroun Boubacar, Altini Bella, Kabirou Bazo, and others.” However, given that the attacks have continued in Niger, it is safe to say that the negotiation did not work and the government has begun to launch several attacks against the jihadists.
As for President Traore, his stance is different. During the interview, Traore revealed that a few weeks after he came to power, that's around October and November 2022, he was approached by emissaries from several countries, although he didn't mention their names, who told him to negotiate with the terrorists. He said, “Each time they told us to negotiate in some way with the terrorists because they wanted a corridor that is to say leave a portion of land for the terrorists to operate and they will leave us alone”. However, he revealed that he refused. In his own words, “It was not possible because we are Burkinabe. We prefer to die in dignity than to negotiate the conditions of our slavery. Negotiating with terrorists is negotiating the conditions of slavery”. Traore’s decision reflects his resolute stance against rebels and it brings to mind what he said in May 2023, that “the military government would defend the territory of Burkina Faso and its population whatever the cost”.