“Love Will Tear Us Apart” casts a mighty shadow on Joy Division's career. While the Manchester band recorded two studio albums, alongside a host of singles, demos and radio sessions, nothing seems to get as much hype as the song etched on Ian Curtis memorial. And because of that I won't be talking about that already canonized song, but instead a cut off their monolithic 1979 debut album, Unknown Pleasures. Same too about "Disorder", "Atmosphere" or "Shadowplay". One that best exemplifies Joy Division's devastating use of space, their brooding anti-funk grooves and Martin Hannett's (producer of Buzzcocks' Spiral Scratch EP and Jilted John) experimental production. The song that cuts right to the heart of the singer and lyricist Ian Curtis, his raw desperation and the cult of genius surrounding him. A song that inspired the next wave of post-punk and beyond, but also pointed to Curtis' end itself. This is New British Canon and this is the story of “She's Lost Control”.
#joydivision #unknownpleasures #videoessay
Stars As Lights - Days, Weeks, Years Gone By (starsaslights.bandcamp.com)
pracs - Kilt and Cutter ()
Stars As Lights - Maps and Constellations (starsaslights.bandcamp.com)
Stars As Lights - The Sound of Our Hearts (starsaslights.bandcamp.com)
B-Side - Pen Anubis ()
Luar - Anchor ()
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