Today's wake 'n break is a two bar pandeiro groove that voices the 3/2 Son clave and utilizes both closed and open tones. Although this is being played on a Brazilian pandeiro, I didn't go for the traditional Brazilian feel. It almost has more of a second line or gospel slap to it (although I don't think I would put this under either umbrella). Taking the slaps first, we have accented notes on 1, the "&" of 2, and on 4 in the first bar, followed by non accented notes on 1 and the "&" of 2 in the second bar. Looking at the palm next, we have notes falling on the "&" of 1, on 3, and on the "&" of 4 in the first bar. Moving along to the thumb, we have notes falling on 2 and on the "&" of 3 in the first bar, followed by open tones on the "&" of 1, on 2, and on 3 in the second bar. Last but not least, our finger tips are falling on "&" of 3 and the "&" of 4 in the second bar. As always, I hope you dig it and much love!
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