another superlative submission of serenity from Pete Namlook's magnanimous FAX label - the more you dig into the fax œuvre, the more it rewards you... and the more deliriously devoted you become xD
rest in peace Peter Kuhlmann, aka Pete Namlook (1960-2012)
tracks 1 & 8 by Pete Namlook & DJ Criss
track 2 by Pete Namlook & Peter Prochir
track 3 by Pete Namlook & Dr. Atmo
tracks 4 & 10 by Pete Namlook & Atom™
track 5 by Pete Namlook & Audiosex
tracks 6 & 9 by Pete Namlook & Pascal F.E.O.S.
track 7 by Pete Namlook
00:00 Deltraxx - Alaska Slowater
07:54 Crypt Corp. - Greenpoint
14:23 Escape - Atmosphere Processor
32:01 Subsequence - Dreamwalk
36:50 Limelight - Sorti Destinatus
42:34 Hearts of Space - Sensuality
46:41 Syn - Tat 93
52:47 Sequential - Minimalistic Overchill
01:06:26 Minimalistic Source - Saturn Cruises
01:11:00 Synthadelic - Secretary
#ambientcompilation #chillout #chilloutmusic #ambient #ambienttechno #progressiveelectronic #progelectronic #fax #faxlabel #faxrecords #fax4969450464 #4969450464 #namlook #petenamlook #namlookfax #faxnamlook #faxambient #namlookambient #peterkuhlmann #deltraxx #cryptcorp #escape #faxescape #subsequence #limelight #heartsofspace #syn #faxsyn #synnamlook #sequential #minimalisticsource #synthadelic #stanleyconaway #edenhouse #xenon #thetomorrowpeople #oversizepussy #pascalfeos #djcriss #christianthier #atomheart #atomtm #uweschmidt #lassiguebendthaus #fonosandwich #flextone #naturalist #urbanprimitivism #dropshadowdisease #superficialdepth #vsvn #fromtheessenceofminimalisticsound #jetchamber #peterprochir #sielwolf #milesapart #possiblegardens #audiosex #andrefischer #dratmo #amirabadi #modularsynthesis #bladerunner #hubertusheld #olympic #faxolympic #namlooksilence #namlookair #aerialservicearea #xangadix #electroharmonix #coeuratomique #wechselspannung #jonahsharp #gatesol #victorsol #nikoheyduck #spyra #wolframspyra #fluke #flukeband #fallinginfinities #klausschulze #kerryleimer #billlaswell #tetsuinoue #organiccloud #ambiantotaku #newcomposers #robertmusso #transonic #chrismeloche #otras #otraslab #davidreeves #faxhemisphere #hemisphere #robgordon #uvoiisoundofheaven #soundofheaven #uvoii #lorenzomontana #gabriellemar #thewholetraffic #psychonavigation #outland #thefiresofork #burhanocal #sultan #faxsultan #higherintelligenceagency #ozoona #shadesoforion #62eulengasse #2350broadway #anewconsciousness #dreamfish #theputney #gatezero #thomaspheckmann #thewholetraffic #fangersiebert #fangerandsiebert #stevestoll #thedarksideofthemoog #jochempaap #aliencommunity #drummachinecircle #oskarsala #redeye #arizonatracks #timeframeanarchy #modulagreen #solphax #danielpemberton #xjacks #nplane #n #faxn #faxnplane #nexs #nbuilt #cymaticscan #zenith #zenithfax #zenithtetsu #musictofilms #houdini #houdinifax #datacide #mastersofpsychedelicambiance #moved #movednamlook #davidmoufang #krystianshek #musicforurbanmeditation #permutations #pearl #namlookpearl