Various Artists - Ambient Compilation 3 (FAX +49-69/450464) [chill out/prog-electronic/ambient]

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Zones Quest
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do androids dream of modular synthesizers? yes. yes they do. in fact they'd like to continue doing so, so let's stop bothering them.
another superlative submission of serenity from Pete Namlook's magnanimous FAX label - the more you dig into the fax œuvre, the more it rewards you... and the more deliriously devoted you become xD
rest in peace Peter Kuhlmann, aka Pete Namlook (1960-2012)
tracks 1 & 8 by Pete Namlook & DJ Criss
track 2 by Pete Namlook & Peter Prochir
track 3 by Pete Namlook & Dr. Atmo
tracks 4 & 10 by Pete Namlook & Atom™
track 5 by Pete Namlook & Audiosex
tracks 6 & 9 by Pete Namlook & Pascal F.E.O.S.
track 7 by Pete Namlook

00:00 Deltraxx - Alaska Slowater
07:54 Crypt Corp. - Greenpoint
14:23 Escape - Atmosphere Processor
32:01 Subsequence - Dreamwalk
36:50 Limelight - Sorti Destinatus
42:34 Hearts of Space - Sensuality
46:41 Syn - Tat 93
52:47 Sequential - Minimalistic Overchill
01:06:26 Minimalistic Source - Saturn Cruises
01:11:00 Synthadelic - Secretary

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  © 2019-2021
  Various Artists - Ambient Compilation 3 (FAX +49-69/450464) [chill out/prog-electronic/ambient] - RusLar.Me