Featured in WYGYFF Episode 3: Musical mash-ups sensation Bill McClintock. Often seamlessly blending metal and hard rock hits with funk and soul classics to create new music from old, his YouTube channel, called McClintock Mashups, features more than 100 videos, has drawn almost 105 million views and won over nearly 450,000 followers.
Here he provides answers to every imaginable question!
Hosted by Scott "DR GX" Goldfine — musicologist, author of “Everything Is on the One: The First Guide of Funk” and creator/host of the popular TRUTH IN RHYTHM podcast — "Where'd You Get Your Funk From?" is the latest interview show brought to you by FUNKNSTUFF.NET. Where’d You Get Your Funk From (WYGYFF) is an open format video and audio podcast focusing on the here and now, with a broad range of creative and artistic guests sharing fascinating stories, experiences, and perspectives.
WYGYFF is a welcoming avenue to newer and independent musical acts as well as established and still active musicians of any genre; authors; filmmakers; actors; artists; collectors and archivists; radio & podcast personalities; journalists; scholars; sound techs; promoters; photographers; and other creative people. A common thread, is the show's standard opening question: Where’d you get your funk from?
This is much deeper than it may seem as the answer need not be strictly about funky music, as not everyone has found the funk. It could hit on whatever type of music touches their soul or pleasure centers. Additionally, the question extends beyond music. Paraphrasing George Clinton, funk is whatever it needs to be to get you over the hump. Thus, guests can explain where they got their grit, perseverance, inspiration, talent, creativity, character or other qualities that shaped them into who they are today. This serves as a springboard into candid, in-depth and engrossing conversations.
LEGAL NOTICE: All video and audio content protected by copyright. Any use of this material is strictly prohibited without expressed consent from original content producer and owner Scott Goldfine, dba FUNKNSTUFF. For inquiries, email info@funknstuff.net.
Get your copy of "Everything Is on the One: The First Guide of Funk" today!