Few years ago my fiancée and I were returning from Paris, France, to Zagreb, Croatia. In Paris we had a video project that lasted 10 days and after that we took a taxi to Charles de Gaulle Airport and unfortunately all our professional equipment was in the trunk. At one point my fiancée looked up at the sky and saw a UFO. She immediately started filming with her iPhone 7 plus, with which she managed to capture 3 seconds of video and 3 photos before the object disappeared. I was trying to explain to the taxi drivers what was going on and I begged him to slow down so we could see something in the sky, he laughed and told me in weak English that he agreed that the PSG football stadium was beautiful because we were passing by the stadium. From my perspective the UFO looked big, shiny and object was rotating. For that reason, we immediately agreed and excluded birds, drones, balloons and flying dragons. This video is legitimate and has no added objects. We used Adobe Photoshop and Premiere so we could minimally edit photos (sharpness, contrast, exposure, and we slow down the video) and edit it all into one video so we could show you what we saw and experienced. We are not claiming absolutely notything and we are not talking about some kind of spaceship or alien visit. We are interested in your opinions and comments about the UFO we recorded with our mobile phone and what you think that object could be. Feel free to browse our channel and make sure that we have never dealt with such topics or we had similar experiences. For these reasons, we decided to publish and transfer the material to our YT channel in order to stand behind this material with all our work and efforts over the years. Once again, this is not a scam or CGI effect.
Prije nekoliko godina moja zaručnica i ja vraćali smo se iz Pariza u Zagreb. U Parizu smo imali video projekt koji je trajao 10 dana i nakon toga smo se taksijem uputili u zračnu luku Charles de Gaulle te je nažalost sva naša profesionalna oprema bila u prtljažniku. U jednom trenutku moja zaručnica je pogledala u nebo i ugledala NLO. Odmah je počela snimati s mobitelom iPhoneom 7 plus s kojim je uspjela snimiti 3 sekunde videa i 3 fotografije prije nego što je objekt nestao. Pokušavao sam objasniti taksistu što se događa i molio sam ga da uspori kako bi mogli pogledati nešto što je na nebu, on se nasmijao i rekao mi na slabom engleskom da se slaže da je nogometni stadion PSG-a prekrasan jer smo prolazili blizu stadiona. Iz moje perspektive NLO je izgledao velik, sjajan i rotirao se. Iz tog razloga, odmah smo se složili i isključili ptice, dronove, balone i leteće zmajeve. Ovaj video je legitiman i nema dodanih objekata. Koristili smo Adobe Photoshop i Premiere kako bismo mogli minimalno obraditi fotografije (oštrinu, kontrast, svijetlost i usporili smo snimke) i sve to montirati u jedan video kako bismo vam mogli dočarati što smo vidjeli i doživjeli. Ne tvrdimo apsolutno ništa niti govorimo o nekakvom svemirskom brodu ili posjetu vanzemaljaca. Zanimaju nas vaša mišljenja i komentari o NLO-u koji smo snimili svojim mobitelom i što mislite da bi taj objekt mogao biti. Slobodno pregledajte naš kanal i uvjerite se da se nikada nismo bavili takvim temama niti smo imali slična iskustva. Iz tih razloga odlučili smo objaviti i prenijeti materijal na naš YT kanal kako bismo svim svojim radom i trudom ovih godina stali iza ovog materijala. Još jednom, ovo nije prijevara ili CGI efekt.