This border is broken, and Chile and Argentina don’t seem likely to fix it anytime soon. While Chile’s shape is famously unusual, the real puzzle is its border with Argentina. On Google Maps, the border between the two looks normal—except for one glaring gap.
In 1998, both countries agreed on most of their border, but they left a 50-kilometer stretch in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field unresolved. This area is one of the largest non-polar ice masses in the world, and its rugged terrain, glaciers, and key water sources make it incredibly difficult to demarcate. Both nations claim parts of this disputed zone, and given its importance, the conflict doesn’t seem likely to end anytime soon.
Will this gap ever be resolved, or will it remain a geographic oddity? Watch to find out!
This border is broken, and Chile and Argentina don’t seem likely to solve it anytime soon. We all know Chile's shape is unusual, but its border with Argentina is even stranger. On Google Maps, the border between the two looks normal—except for this gap.
You see, in 1998, the countries agreed to most of the border... except for a small 50-kilometer stretch in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field. The Southern Patagonian Ice Field is one of the largest non-polar ice masses in the world, shared by Argentina and Chile. The region has been difficult to demarcate due to its rugged terrain, glaciers, and limited access.
This area remains in dispute, as it contains critical water sources and glaciers feeding key rivers like the Baker and Pascua in Chile, and the Santa Cruz River in Argentina. Since neither country is willing to make concessions, the conflict doesn’t seem likely to be resolved in the near future. So, you’ll probably continue to see this gap on maps for a long time to come.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
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