01 10000 Paradigms 0:00
02 Dead Suns 01:52
03 Cosmic Blood 06:38
04 Animism 13:00
05 Encrypted 17:27
06 Unseen Altars 24:27
07 Intuition's Path 29:11
the album is NAME YOUR PRICE at Bandcamp:
borudoom (at) gmail.com
01 10000 Paradigms 0:00
- no lyrics -
02 Dead Suns 01:52
"They have seen it all, not even watching.
They have seen you, not even knowing your name. Rolling white eyes lurking in the blackness. Cycles of times collapsing into ten thousand paradigms. All those cosmical hands, subliminal consciousnesses
weaving the reality. "We are timeless. For us it's crystal clear, as the light beams of our devastating existence, as the light of the newborn white sun collapsing into ten thousand paradigms""
03 Cosmic Blood 06:38
"Never been
Close to the fire
Close to the source
Identity lies
Clouded by cognition
Intravenous stellar radiation
A trade with the self-dealer
A bodily illusion, randomized noise
High until it fades out
What will you see?
When the eyes
Will be unsewn?"
04 Animism 13:00
"Obscure bystanders. When I try to see them, they are shapes and colors, images of the inexorable. Stalkers, meditating minds, yearless walkers hiding in neon lights and reflections. Always in time. Walking in harm's way in perfect symmetry. Untamed amplitudes in mistaken dimensions. Always been with you and me. Holding hands"
05 Encrypted 17:27
"I am the mother who sustains the pain
And I am the father who never provides
I am the dichotomy
Testimony of the uncertain
True - False
True - False
Of this reality
See what you need to see
Hear what you need to hear
I am the rumble
I am the blinding light
The one eye over all"
06 Unseen Altars 24:27
"Az örökkévalóság éppen azért van örökké mert semmilyen módon nem hasonlítható össze azzal ami mulandó, változás alá vettetett, átmeneti.
Ám az az intenzitás ahogy a fény befúrja magát a sötétségbe, csökkenni látszik. Folytonossági hiányok lépnek föl, szakadások,lyukak, végül a fekete semmi. Körben csillagok milliárdjai elérhetetlen messzeségben és középen parányi szikra, az én. Tetteink éppen azért tudják az örökkévalóságban, és csak ott elnyerni méltó jutalmukat vagy büntetésüket, mert van egy a valósággal nagyon is kívül levő helye mindennek, ahol tulajdonképpeni helyére kerül, ahol mindig is volt, ahol mindig lenni fog, ahol most is van, az egyetlen igazi helyen."
07 Intuition's Path 29:11
"Arms pointing to the Eye
Climbing ropes to the sun
Rivers flowing into oneness
Different interpretations
Unchanged meanings
In a one way labirynth
Fractures will be put together
The symbols were always there
Pulsing analogue signals
Tumbling down
After all those lies
In the desert there will be order
When the rivers brought fire
From dawn to dark
From circles to lines
Drivers of the mist
Walking on roads
We can't even see
In the cosmical mist
(Collecting stardust)
Holding the hands of God"
uploaded with the band's permission...
Most of my uploads are posted in a number of Facebook groups and that is including 'Doom/Stoner/Sludge/Psychedelic' with 36K+ members which is managed by me. The group doesn't allow shit-posting; unrelated memes/stuff, over-posting and annoying/rude/racist/homophobic/sexist behaviour will NOT be tolerated. Join if you like: