Everything Google is working on for the new year but more importantly what Adolfo is looking to.
Mozilla To Shut Down Firefox OS Smartphone Initiative, Find Out Why!
Carmakers fret their industry is on the brink of huge disruption
State of the US Urban Bike Culture
Ad Tech Is the Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Advertising
Speed Round:
Smart motorcycle headlight lights the way around corners
San Francisco Office Rents Pass Manhattan as Most Expensive in Country
15 interesting startups to watch in 2016
New wave in tech: hacking the brain
Tips of the Week:
Kickstarter Unboxed - FLUXO - the World's First Kickass Light Fixture
Nerdy Events:
1.20 - SFNT @ Mighty! With PingPad, Affectiva, VapExhale, JobSpeaker, Evlo, and more!
1.20 - IoT TechMeeting Powered By The OIC