How Factories Changed the World: Factories of War | The Rise of Modern Arms Manufacturing | FD Engineering
Machinery for modern warfare is leading the charge on ingenuity, both in design and production. The complex world of weapons manufacturing has powered incredible scientific and social leaps.
No technological innovation has changed our world more than the factory. From smartphones to cars, fashion to food, our modern world is defined by convenience. We can access what we want, when we want it, and it’s becoming cheaper, smaller and smarter than ever before. All made possible by the factory.
It’s in our nature to strive to achieve what we had once only dreamed of. The factory has made that a reality. Factories of today move ever forward in a continuous cycle of invention and reinvention.
Revolutionary ideas come to life on the assembly line, the ever-evolving interaction of humans and machines that has made the modern world.
Watch 'Transforming the Battlefield: Trains as War Machines' here:
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