In this video we'll have a look on how peaceful Europe really is. You see, there are multiple conflicts that are still ongoing in Europe. The one between Ukraine and Russia is well known by everyone, but there are others. The conflict betwen Armenia and Azerbaijan for the Nagorno-Karabakh, the tensions in Transnistria, Moldova's pro-russian separatist region and lets not forget that Greece and Turkey are silently fighting for the islands in the Aegean sea.
We'll talk more about all of this in this video, so make sure you do not miss it.
Feel free to write your opinion about this in the commnets.
Hope you'll enjoy the video!
Europe is not as peaceful as it looks like. Everybody knows about the ongoing war in Ukraine where Russia pretend to stop the NATO expansion and to save Ukrainians from the west.
Than we have the conflict in Transnistria which is basically Moldova’s Donbass. This breakaway region will most probably be used by Russia to destabilize Moldova which will be helpless without help from the west.
Moving south, there are two NATO members, Greece and Turkey, that never got along with each other and are both fueling tensions over control of the islands in the Aegean sea.
In the Caucasus region, Armenia and Azerbaijan are fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh region where Azerbaijani authorities worked to suppress Armenian culture and identity in Nagorno-Karabakh, but the Armenians still represent the ethnic majority here. So do you still consider Europe a peaceful continent?
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