Have fun listening to ChuChu TV's songs on Spotify:
. Javan rhinoceros song Lyrics :
It’s a Javan rhino!
Rhino! Rhino! Rhin-o-ceros!
We’ve come to the forest to meet the rhinoceros!
Rhino, rhino, Javan rhino!
Come see us please, we want to say “hello!”
Hello, rhino!
You have a horn on your nose!
What do you like eating, rhino?
Do you like pancakes?
Rhino! Rhino! Rhin-o-ceros!
Likes eating things like leaves, plants and grasses
Rhino, rhino, dear rhino
Also likes rolling in the mud, you know!
Who’d like to be a rhino and take mud baths?
I’d like to be a rhino!
Who else?
Put your hands up if you want to be a rhino!