Today I reveal to you a very special project
10 years ago I found myself in a very remote cabin in the woods.
It is in that isolation that I wrote my wrote my first coherent release, it was a 30 minute acoustic piece that had all the flaws and shortcomings you might expect from a first release
A mostly acoustic and piano based instrumental album, inspired by melancholy and aspiring to bring back the same musical essence as soundtracks to games such as Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger
I guess I could describe this as acoustic metal, or ambient folk, but this genre picking has always seemed irrelevant to the actual music.
Never had I given this album much of a second thought until recently, when I decided that this is a very unique experience musically that I'd like to share with people on its 10 year anniversary
I've spend the last months rewriting, recording and reworking this entire release from scratch and even adding 2 completely new songs.
It is now, after 10 years hopefully a release worthy of your time and attention.
I present to you, Fragmented
This is 44 minutes of melodic ambient melancholy over 10 songs.
It is a release that I'll be presenting under my own name due to the age of this album and the very different ambience that I've set out to create with Thurnin.
Yet I hope this is a release all Thurnin fans will want to experience (maybe even enjoy it!)
This album will release on May 3rd and a single is available as of right now on bandcamp and youtube.
It will be available on all streaming services as well as a physical copy in the near future
The cover art has been done by the immensely talented André Simões ( ) and I could not be happier with his contribution
Thank you all, Be well