HAVE YOU HAD THIS THOUGHT? #mentalhealth #healthanxiety #anxiety #anxietytips #anxietyrelief

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Dr Kirren
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✨Health anxiety often involves struggling to fully accept that you are safe and well. There can be many reasons for this, one is the tendency to get stuck with repetitive thought patterns, convincing yourself that something is wrong when it isn't. It's as if your brain has got stuck in this cycle for so long that thinking differently becomes challenging. Past traumatic experiences can also contribute to feeling unsafe in your body, making it difficult to trust yourself or your experiences.

✨To overcome these thought patterns, it's essential to approach health anxiety differently. This means changing how you relate to your thoughts and changing the behaviours you have in response to them. Learning self-help techniques can also be helpful in finding a sense of safety and security within yourself, especially as trauma can worsen feelings of anxiety. You can find detailed guidance on how to do all this in my book Ten Times Calmer. 📚✨Information for general educational purposes only. Always see your own doctor for advice specific to your situation.

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  HAVE YOU HAD THIS THOUGHT? #mentalhealth #healthanxiety #anxiety #anxietytips #anxietyrelief - RusLar.Me