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VUSI NOVA invited his followers to join him on the chorus of his new track #NOMATHEMBA while everyone was on #lockdown, the response was amazing and we are sharing some of the entrants. NOMATHEMBA was released on the 15th MAY 2020 on all platforms.
Ndikhumbula ndiqal’ ukuk’bona mna ndacazeka mna. Ndavele ndaphathwa zintloni ndaphathwa higwababa. Hay’ ndinceden’. Buhl’ obungaka and’ kwazi nokuzibambha. Kwazi nokuncama ncono ndihlale ndizama. Ndifun’ ube ngo wam.
Oh why oh why oh why oh why
Oh why oh why oh why oh why
Oh why oh why oh why oh why
Oh why oh why oh why oh why ndenzenjani na
he nomathemba
hinxubakaxaka yantoni na lena
He nomathemba
hintoni my love
Hintoni my love
Hinxubakaxaka yantoni na lena
Oh why
Oh why
Oh why
Oh why ndenzenjani na
Ndizibuza imibuzo
Xandifika kuye ndizothini na mna
Mhla umbhi ndimbuz’ ixesha
Ndimbuz’ impilo ndimbuz’ ukub’ unjani
Mara why undenza so
He nomathemba
Oh why
Oh why
Oh why
Oh why ndenzenjani na