Before the Europeans came to Africa, Africans were content with staying in the African continent. However, Europe discovered Africa with its abundant human and natural resources which they decided they needed to develop their continent. And so, in the guise of spreading Christianity and civilization, these Europeans took millions of Africans to their shores to be used as workers to till their ground and build wealth. After which they decided that this wasn't enough and so went on to colonize the African continent to ensure that they had a steady and abundant supply of resources both human and natural to develop their land. And so began the period of colonization, control, and establishing systems that ensured that the continent would always remain in their hands. So, while the rest of the world went on to experience massive growth and development, the African continent remained behind, filled with countries regarded as the poorest in the world and whose leaders were and are still European puppets. Now, the underdeveloped state and the bad economic and political situation in most African countries made some Africans decide to migrate to Europe in search of better opportunities.
At first, Europe accepted these African migrants but then it came to a point where Europe decided that it had had enough of these Africans and formulated a strategy that according to statistics drastically reduced the number of African migrants coming to the continent. However, this strategy used by Europe is controversial and has been the subject of debate over the years. What is this strategy, How effective is it, and the big question is what is the effect on African migrants? Stay with us as we show you in this video.