A celebration of the first seven recipients of the Neighborhood Beautification Program (NBP) grants, a new program that gives Detroiters $500 to $15,000 to help improve and beautify their blocks, will be held. The NBP grants are new this year and provide funding for Detroit-based neighborhood associations, block clubs, faith-based organizations and nonprofits.
The winners will be celebrated at one of the 34 recipients, Rescue MI Nature Now's campus in the Nolan neighborhood in District 3. Founded just three years ago, these Detroiters have turned vacant parcels and houses into a beautiful campus of gardens and wildlife habitat. The nonprofit also acquired a vacant home that it is turning a culinary studio and educational center for youth, where kid can learn how to cook what they grow. The nonprofit also hires youth from the neighborhood and surrounding areas to help clean up the area, as well as to help with the gardens.
- Mayor Mike Duggan
- Council President Mary Sheffield
- Councilmember Scott Benson (D3)
- Tharmon Ligon Jr., president of Rescue MI Nature Now
- Tamra Fountaine Hardy, director of the Detroit Housing & Revitalization Department’s Neighborhood Services Division