This piece of music was recorded as one, live take (minus some post-production processing) in Dean De Benedictis's bedroom during the year 2000. It could be considered progressive psychedelic rock, but give it your own classification.
On bass was Dean's old friend, former Brand X member Mick Stevens. Dean couldn't remember the names of other players in the recording, only that the electric guitarist was an ex-member of rock band Blue Chair, and the drummer was visiting from Morocco. This recording could almost be considered a session during the time of early Stratos Ensemble auditions, except that it took place a few years before Stratos ever went official.
Dean writes about the cut:
"At one time I was jamming a lot with a progressive rock/fusion band called Xpatriot (somehow I've played a lot with bands that include the letter X and I'm not sure why). Xpatriot was originally intended as a Brand X tribute band. That aspiration never materialized publically, but the Xpatriot bassist (Mick Stevens) and I later joined the real Brand X for a series of rehearsals one Summer. This particular piece of music, entitled "When I chased her soul," was only recently mastered. It was the only decently recorded Xpatriot track left over from that period before Brand X. On this piece I can be heard playing acoustic guitar and all keyboards.
In late 2000, shortly after "when i chased her soul" was recorded, I then brought a mix of it to Nepal with me when I visited my girlfriend who had been schooling there. We listened to the track together in Kathmandu, and I told her the piece was dedicated to her. She was flattered and said she enjoyed it, but still, an emotional distance had just barely begun to form between us along side the physical distance. Our relationship eventually ended—hence the title. The whole thing is a powerful-yet-abstract memory for me." -D
The music in this video ("When I chased her soul") is temporarily available for free download, for an indefinite period of time, at the following Soundcloud link:
More X Patriot and/or raw Brand X jam sessions with De Benedictis on keys can be found at the following YouTube link:
Dean also has a current band called the Stratos Ensemble with a loosely-similar style to the music in this video: