Battle Factory: The Secret World of Military Manufacturing | FD Engineering
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Frontline gear is used every day by troops all over the world, but how are soldiers ballistic helmets, coastguard hovercrafts, sniper camouflage suits, and forest firefighters high-tech 'dragon eggs' actually made?
Battle Factory takes viewers into the hidden world of military and frontline gear factories all over the world—where raw materials become finished products. Each item's manufacturing process is shot using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques for a look and feel that really brings the machines and process to life. Battle Factory has unprecedented access and reveals how these items are manufactured right before the viewers' eyes.
00:00:00 Grenade Launcher, Flight Simulator, Ration Packs
00:20:37 Jaws of Life, Tank, Watch
00:40:39 F16, Sword, Simulated Ammunition
01:00:41 Camouflage Makeup, Machine Gun, Amphibious Military ATV
01:20:44 Combat Boots, Pistol, UAV, Riflescope
01:40:47 Aerial Delivery System, Armoured Personnel Carrier & More
02:00:49 Swiss Army Knife, Sub-Machine Gun, Body Armour, Laser Sight
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