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We do not own this material here. Copyrights to the appropriate parties. This video is made by way of entertainment. We do not try to violate any copyright.
No somos propietarios del material aqui presente. Los derechos reservados a quien corresponda. Este video esta hecho solo a modo de entretenimiento. No intentamos violar ningún derecho de autor.
Shoothing satr (Dub version) - Roy
Physical atraction(Maxy Version) - Eddy Huntington
I want you - J. D. Jaber
Easy lovers ( Power dub version) Joe Jellow
Keep the joint - Max'n Sandy
Shinning star - Swan
Walking away - Brian Ice
Under the ice - Chillymaouse
You & Me (Remix) - Galactic Warriors
Faces - Joe Lettieri
Lover to lover - Joe Yellow
Spark (ZYX Mix) - Vanello & Steven Kimber
New romantic - Ameli
America (Swedish version)- Baby's Gang
Your never said good-bye - Cherry Lime
Mania - Derek Simon
Wind of change - Fred Ventura
No time to say goodbye - Tam Harrow Ft, Tom Hooker
Power of magic (High Energy Beat Mix) - Alphatown
Sinderella - Betty Wrigth
Happy days - Alphatown
Ghost a robot - Disco DIgitale
Shot your shot - Divine
I want your babe (Spirit Mix) - Eik and The Danzlab
Time bomb - Jeannie Tracey
Laserdance (Remix'88) - Laserdance
Dancer your love away - Michael Prince
Deeper N Deeper (Ultimix) - Modern Rocketry
So real - O'Ryan Albert
Sea of life - Retronic Voices
Die in the dancefloor (Extended) - Tyson
Disco Stereo - Producer's Mexico
Shake up - Divine
Yo te quiero ver bailar - Juan Malagon
Say you will be mine (ChikoMix Producer Remix) - Kym Taylor
One more time - Bianca
Black mother 9 Fire Version) - F.C.F.
I love you - Stacey Q
Roadrunner - UK
Reicarnation(Comming back for love) (US Remix) - People Like Us Ft. Cindy Dickenson
Want me - Michael Moret
I;m gonna make you want me - Gina Lamour