Trump Official Tells Americans To Start “Raising Chickens” If They’re Concerned About Egg Prices

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The cost of eggs has become a major talking point in the United States as prices have already risen by close to 40% and could go up by at least another 40% before the end of the year. This is just one of many items that are becoming increasingly out of reach for American consumers, and the Trump administration hasn’t done a single thing to fix the issue. But now they may have a solution – Just raise your own chickens and harvest the eggs yourself. That’s actually what a Trump official told Americans to do in a recent appearance on Fox News. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what happened.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Brooke Rollins, the Trump appointed new secretary of the agriculture department here in the United States has a very simple way to bring egg prices down for American consumers. And that's a good thing, right? I mean, after all, Trump's been president for a month and a half. He's literally done nothing to lower the cost that consumers are facing, especially with eggs whose prices have gone through the roof reaching an all time high. So it's great that the administration is finally doing something to reduce prices. It's just horrible that what she suggested is the most condescending and in some instances, illegal thing a person could do. During an appearance on Fox News this week, Brooke Rollins, again, the Trump appointed agriculture secretary, suggested that if you're mad about the price of eggs, just go buy your own chickens and, uh, you know, eat the eggs. Problem solved idiots, right?

Like, why didn't I think of that? If I can't afford to buy eggs, I'll just go and buy a load of chickens and spend my time every day harvesting the eggs and of course, spend more money. 'cause you gotta feed the chickens, right? I mean, that costs money. You gotta have a chicken coop. Uh, I live in an area that has lots of foxes, lots of coyotes, so you know, you gotta have a chicken coop, so that's gonna cost money. But I think in the long run, uh, you know, owning a bunch of chickens that I now have to care for every day and take time out of my day to care for them, that absolutely is going to save me money on eggs in the long run. Let me read you this statement from Brooke Rollins on Fox Business. I think the silver lining in all of this is how do we, in our backyards, we've got chickens too in our backyard.

How do we solve for something like this? And people are sort of looking around and thinking, wow, well maybe I could get a chicken in my backyard. And it's awesome that that's her advice for the people struggling to be able to afford basic food, is go out and buy the creature that lays the food. You know, I was actually concerned recently about the price of steaks. I guess I need to go out and buy a bunch of cows, right? I'm an idiot for not thinking that I'll just start my own cattle farm so I don't have to worry about the cost of ribeyes. Now what do I do? Brooke Rollins about, about shoes, right? I got three kids. I got a wife. Like, we all need shoes. Do. Do I need to also learn how to become a cobbler? I guess. So that's the solution to everything, folks. Just go back in time, 600 years when you have to make your own clothing, get your own eggs from your backyard, chicken coop, and of course harvest your own crops. And you know, hope that the winter doesn't kill everything and

Then your family dies a horrible death. You know, you could just enact price controls, right? I mean, that is a thing the government could do. Sure, the corporations would challenge it in court, but being challenged in court hasn't stopped you all from doing any of the other stuff you're doing. This is not a solution. This is condescension, is what this is. Oh, you're mad about the cost of eggs. Goodbye chickens. Not a solution, not a viable thing. And again, in a lot of areas, you literally can't legally even do that either. City ordinances, you know, local ordinances or hell, even your own HOA is not gonna allow you to just have a backyard filled with chickens.

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