In this video, you can learn the names of places in French.
I prepared a list with more than 50 names of places that you can find in cities and villages.
For each name, I will show you an example with a sentence.
It’s a good exercise to improve your French listening and your vocabulary.
Try to repeat after me to practice your pronunciation during the video.
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List of places included in the video:
l'aéroport = the airport
le bar = the bar/pub
la banque = the bank
la bibliothèque = the library
la boucherie = the butcher shop
la boulangerie = the bakery shop
la boutique = the shop/store
le magasin = the shop/store
le magasin d'alcool = the liquor store
le magasin de vêtements = the clothes store
le café = the cafe/coffee shop
la caserne de pompiers = the fire station
le cimetière = the cimetery
le cinéma = the cinema
le coiffeur = the hairdresser
le dentiste = the dentist
la discothèque = the disco/nightclub
le docteur = the doctor
le médecin = the doctor
l'école = the school
la crèche = the nursery/creche
la garderie = the daycare center
la maternelle = the kindergarten
l'école primaire = the primary school
le collège = the middle school
le lycée = the high school
l'université = the university
l'église = the church
l'épicerie = the convenient store
le fleuriste = the flower shop
la gare = the train station
le garagiste = the automobile repair shop
l'hôpital = the hopital
l'hôtel = the hotel
la mairie = the town hall/city council
le marché = the market
le musée = the museum
le notaire = the notary
le parc = the park
le parc d'attractions = the amusement park
la patinoire = the ice skating rink
la piscine = the swimming pool
la pharmacie = the pharmacy
la police = the police station
la gendarmerie = the police station
le commissariat = the police station
la poste = the post office
la prison = the prison/jail
le restaurant = the restaurant
le supermarché = the supermarket
la supérette = the grocery store/small supermarket
la station-service = the gas station
le bureau de tabac = the tobacco shop
le terrain de foot = the soccer field/football field
le terrain de basket = the basketball court
le théâtre = the theater
le zoo = the zoo
Photo de Vo Thuy Tien:
Photo de Quang Nguyen Vinh:
Photo de Connor Danylenko: