--- Links to Conservation Organisations ----
The Ocean Conservancy
River Cleanup
--- References ----
[1] How much plastic released into the ocean each day, and how much gets recycled
[2] Global fossil fuel subsidies
[3] Average plastic use per capita per year
[4] Average UK and US plastic use per capita per year
[5] 93% of bottled water contains microplastics
[6] Exposure to microplastics is bad for women’s and men’s health
[7] Plastic Recycling is and Actual Scam
[8] How many times can plastic be recycled
[9] 90% of plastic from 10 rivers
[10] The Ocean Cleanup’s poor track record
[11] A lot of ocean plastic end up getting washed up on the shorelines
[12] Reduce flow of ocean plastic by 80% by 2040
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-- Some Awesome People ---
And many thanks to my $10 supporters and above on Patreon, you are awesome!
Join the gang and help support me produce free and high quality science content:
Bob Milano
Raj Duphare
Anca Selariu
Doug-Duggio Peterson
Eric Epstein
Gordon D Collins
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Mirik Gogri
Petr Murmak
Prabhakar R
Reggie Fourmyle
Sandy Toye
Terrence Masson
Theodore Chu
Joshua Rauß
David Renshaw
--- Special Thanks ---
Special thanks to Virginia Schutte and Kurtis Baute for their helpful advice.
--- My Science Books ----
I also write science books for kids called Professor Astro Cat. You can see them all here:
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--- Credits ---
Writer, art, animation and edited by Dominic Walliman
I use Adobe Illustrator and After Effects for the graphics (for the many people who ask :)
--- Chapters ---
00:00 Setting the Scene
01:55 1: Regulation
02:48 2: Reduce Plastic Use
04:15 3: Recycling is Not The Answer
05:02 4: Educate Ourselves
05:56 5: Cleanup
06:24 Team Seas Funds and Other Conservation Groups