The Primary Swing Beat with brushes is key to learning how to drive and swing the band. Even though brushes can be used in every style of music, the swing pulse with brushes is paramount. Lesson 2 of the Brush series shows the key components to the Primary Swing beat. The distinct jobs of each hand are discussed, as well as, focus points and suggestions on how to gain solidity and a strong swing pulse. The ability to control the entire band with just a set of brushes can help your understanding of playing a pulse and solid time in every music style. The swing beat with brushes is the primary groove for Jazz playing in a more melodic and musical way.
A few takeaways:
The snare hand "Sweep" movements
The riding hand "Swing Beat"
Getting a strong pulse from the brushes
Getting the brushes to "Swing" the beat
Lateral sweeps and long tones
Creating full sustain notes in the swing beat