Australia's borders may look like clean, straight lines on the map, but appearances can be deceiving! In this video, we dive into the quirks of Australia’s borders, which were intended to follow specific longitude lines but didn’t quite work out as planned. For example, Western Australia's border was meant to follow the 129th meridian, but due to miscalculations, a 120-meter westward deviation occurred. Another case involves the border between New South Wales and Victoria, where a 3.6-kilometer difference caused a permanent shift. Discover how these errors came about and why drawing borders is not as simple as it seems!
All this borders in the map of Australia looks straight and clean, but they are actually not.
You see, this line for example, is actually heading west for around 120 meters. Back when the borders where drawn,
the aim was to draw the border of Western Australia on the 129 degrees longitude line. They got to work and started drawing from both ends
hopping that they'll meet in the middle, but they didn't, to fix this, they decided to draw this orizontal line connecting the borders.
An even bigger deviation was introduced for this border here, where instead of drawing it on the 141 degrees longitude line, it was drawn
3.6 kilometers west. New South Wales agreed on moving it's border to the correct location, but Victoria didn't, and decided to keep the claimed land.
So what was intended to be a straight border, it is actually a very weird shaped one.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
Music Info: Detective - AShamaluevMusic.
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