Seriously though, if you like your house music with a spfter,more delicate touch - if any artist merits the often liberally-used term “ambient house”, it’s Kaito - and like your ambient with some embedded rhythms, I cannot recommend Kaito’s music highly enough, he’s one of the very few artists for which I wouldn’t even slightly hesitate to proclaim his ENTIRE discography as sincerely, honestly perfect. He’s one of those electronic musicians whose sheer mastery over his equipment qualifies them as more of a craftsman of sound, an audio artisan, than the nondescript term “artist” might describe. His subtlety is kind-blowing and his mixing is so immaculate and organic that you mighty imagine his music literally growing in his diligently-maintained gardens. Do yourself a favour and when you’re next travelling by bus or train, or wandering aimlessly through a park or botanic garden, or reading a book in trancelike environs, check him out! xD
He also makes music under his real name, Hiroshi Watanabe, and it’s bloody brilliant too.