Found my old cassette tape in my room when I was teenager, I’ve recorded this back in the early 2002, 2003 so I was like basically 16 17 years old damn 😱 I felt so old lmao 😂 the nostalgia hit me so hard that Ive almost cried lol 😭 I most of it cry when I think about those times tho lol 😅😭 This is the history right there 🤘🏻💙❤️🔥🎶 #JuliaVolkova #ЮляВолкова #LenaKatina #ЛенаКатина #tATu #ТАТУ #Nostalgia #Ностальгия #Cassette #Кассета #Radio #Радио #Antenna5 #Macedonia #2000s #Millennial #Teenage #Детство #Tbt #Воспоминания