To my amazing supporters, you are the heart of this channel. Every like, comment, and subscription keeps the legacy of these legends alive. Your love means everything, and together, we honor the artists who changed music forever. Keep supporting, keep remembering, and keep vibing. 🖤
This short is a tribute to XXXTENTACION, Juice WRLD, and YNW Melly—artists who poured their souls into their music and left an unforgettable impact on millions. Their lyrics spoke of pain, love, and struggles, connecting deeply with fans worldwide.
XXXTENTACION – A voice for the broken, an artist whose raw emotions touched millions.
Juice WRLD – A storyteller of pain and addiction, whose music still speaks to hearts today.
YNW Melly – Known for his melodic flow and deep storytelling, still facing his battles.
Their music lives on, and so do their stories. Can you guess them all before the reveal? Comment below! 👇
🔥 LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to keep the love and legacy alive! 🖤
⚠️ Disclaimer:
This video was created using a CapCut template and is for entertainment and tribute purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended.
XXXTENTACION, Juice WRLD, YNW Melly, Guess The Rapper, Anime Rapper, X Anime, Juice WRLD Anime, Melly Anime, Rap Legends, Sad Rap, Hip Hop Shorts, Rap Music, Music Edits, Tribute Video, Rap Icons, Guess The Artist, Music Shorts, Anime Edit, CapCut Edit, Rap Edits, Emotional Rap, Forever X, 999 Forever, Melly Music, Guessing Challenge, Rap Guess, Who’s The Rapper, Short Video, YouTube Shorts, Rap Culture, Hip Hop Fans, Anime Transformation, Rap Shorts Viral, Music Community, FYP, Rap Game, Who Is This, Guess Who Challenge, Artistic Rappers, Emo Rap, Legends Live On, Guess That Rapper, Who Dat Rapper, Edits For You, Hip Hop Icons, Music History, Rap Community, CapCut Templates, Best Shorts, Guessing Game, Short Feed, Trending Shorts, Music Lovers, Hip Hop Heads, Rap Culture Edits, Gone Too Soon, Rappers In Anime, Viral Edits, Trending Edits, Music Inspired, CapCut Music Edits
#XXXTENTACION #JuiceWRLD #YNWMelly #GuessTheRapper #AnimeRapper #XxxtentacionAnime #JuiceWRLDAnime #MellyAnime #LegendNeverDie #SadRap #HipHop #RapShorts #MusicShorts #AnimeEdit #CapcutEdit #RapEdits #EmotionalRap #Tribute #ForeverX #999Forever #RapLegends #MusicLover #XxxtentacionLegacy #JuiceWRLD999 #YNWMellyMusic #AnimeVersion #SadMusic #ViralShorts #TrendingShorts #HipHopFans #AnimeFans #RapperEdits #CapCutTemplates #ShortsFeed #GuessTheArtist #WhoIsThis #EmotionalMusic #ShortsDaily #YouTubeShorts #RapShortsViral #SadEdits #MusicCommunity #FYP #RapCulture #GuessingGame #AnimeTransformation #MusicEdits #ShortsViral #EditsDaily #CapCutTrending #HipHopShorts #BestShorts #SupportTheLegacy #GoneTooSoon #RappersInAnime #GuessRap #XLegacy #Juice999 #Melly4Life #RapEditsDaily #AnimeTransformationEdits #AnimeAesthetic #EmoRap #LegendsLiveOn #HipHopEdits #RapMusicShorts #MellyLover #GuessThatRapper #GuessWhoChallenge #RapCommunity #MusicForLife #RapLegendsForever #AnimeCrossover #ArtisticRappers #GuessWhoEdits #HipHopHeads #GuessThatArtist #RapGuessingGame #LegendaryMusic #999ToTheWorld #LLJ #YNWMellyForever #ShortsRap #CapCutMusicEdits #AnimeInspired #GuessingChallenge #HipHopIcons #AnimeVersionRap #MusicHistory #XXXTENTACIONForever #JuiceWRLDForever #RapCultureEdits #WhoDatRapper #EditsForYou