Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Feels Like A Railroad (River Of Pride) [White Line] - (Official Audio)
Fu##in' Up
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Billy Talbot: bass
Ralph Molina: drums, vocal
Micah Nelson: guitar, vocal
Nils Lofgren: piano, vocal
Neil Young: guitar, vocal
Recorded by Tim Mulligan, CW Alkire and Mark Humphries
Mixed by John Hanlon
Monitor by Mark Humphries
Presented at the Rivoli by Dani Reiss
Production Manager: Steve Drymalski
Production Coordinator: Lori Schwartz
FOH Mixer: Tim Mulligan
Audio Systems Engineer: CW Alkire
Monitor Mixer: Mark Humphries
Keyboard and Amp Tech: Bob Rice
Guitar Tech: Jeff Hamilton, Greg Beck
Bass Tech: Michael Hamilton
Drum Tech: Chad Wolf
Teletech: John Hausmann
Audio Tech: Marty Tarle
Direction: Frank Gironda
Lookout Management: Bonnie Levetin, Tim Bruegger
Silver Fiddle Music (ASCAP)
Special Thanks to Tumbleweed