Целый год разделяет две даты, которые стоят на календаре в нескольких днях друг от друга - прорыв и полное снятие блокады. 900 страшных дней и ночей, которые не забудет непокорённый город-герой Ленинград.
18 января город отметил 80-летие прорыва блокады Ленинграда
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Today, January 27, 2023 marks the 79th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade. On the occasion of the memorable date, the fires of the Rostral columns burned and volleys of salute were fired from artillery pieces and batteries of fireworks installations on the Big Beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress.
A whole year separates two dates that stand on the calendar a few days apart - a breakthrough and the complete lifting of the blockade. 900 terrible days and nights that the unconquered hero city of Leningrad will never forget.
On January 18, the city celebrated the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the blockade of Leningrad
#leningrad #russia #fireworks