Today we’re talking about music and its effect on mental health. And right off the bat, I want to make the disclaimer that neither I, nor my guest Autumn Whitaker, are mental health professionals. This episode is about our experiences and how music has helped us get through some of our issues. We also talk about the effect social media has on mental health, what music we listen to to turn things around, and how writing and other creative endeavors helps us both work through our issues. Check out Autumn’s new album Night Moods, Vol. II on Think Like A Key. Check out The Hawk Percival on social media. Check us out @PerformanceAnx. You can send us coffee at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety or we can send you merch from performanceanx.threadless.com.
Again, we are not mental health professionals, just sharing our experiences. If you’re feeling stressed, having dark thoughts, or feeling depressed, please reach out for help. There are several places you can reach out to for help and there are always people happy to listen. You aren’t alone.