In this video we'll have a look on Countrystan. Yes we made it up. But we refer to Countrystan as the country formed by uniting all 7 countries whose name end with "STAN": Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgystan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. THis country will be massive, but still will be smaller than Russia and China.
Countrystan will be dominated by Pakistan, because Pakistan will bring more than two thirds of the population and also more than half of the GDP.
But, I'm sorry to say it, this unification is extremely unlikely. We'll talk about the reasons in the video.
Feel free to write your opinion about this in the commnets.
Hope you'll enjoy the video!
What if all countries ending with “Stan” unite today !?
Countrystan would have 7 countries in its composition and would become the largest country in Asia after Russia and China.
In terms of population, it would be the third biggest country in the world, with more people than United States, but the demographics of Countrystan would be very unbalanced as two thirds of its people will be located in Pakistan. Basically, Countrystan would be an extension of Pakistan which means the capital would have to be at Islamabad.
This unification is an extremely unlikely prospect, main reason for this being the ethnic distribution on Countrystan territory which has a lot of different ethnic groups that do not get along with each other.
Countrystan will be the most unstable country in the world as Afghanistan is currently facing a humanitarian crisis, Tajikistan and Kyrgystan have an ongoing border issue and Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan have a rich history of wars fought against each other.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3