Highfrequency trading (HFT) started catching media attention leading up to the "Stock Market Flash Crash" on May 6, 2010. According to the official story Waddell sold on May 6 a large order of e-mini contracts during a 20-minute span in which U.S. equity markets plunged, briefly wiping out nearly $1 trillion in market capital, the internal document from CME Group Inc said. Regulators and exchange officials quickly focused on Waddell's sale of 75,000 e-mini contracts, which the document said "superficially appeared to be anomalous activity." There are several conflicting accounts around what actually have caused this event— dubbed the "May 6, 2010 Flash Crash"—but almost everybody agrees that high-frequency algorithmic traders had a large role to play.
We've see the "Federal Reserve" issue trillions of dollars to corporations while tax payers are forced to pay the bill and suffer from high inflation. Is the "US Economy" better since Obama took office? Are the unemployment figures reported accurate? We will cover these questions and many more that will have a direct impact on your "personal finance" and "stock market" investments.
We'll cover "High Frequency Trading Government" trends with the SEC. We'll discuss Monsanto, GMO Food, Fractional Reserve Lending, the "Federal Reserve", the "2012 elections" between "Barack Obama" and "Mitt Romney". We will also cover "high frequency trading algorithm" computing cycles and how markets are cheating. Learn why HFT Technologies are hurting the retail investment community. We'll discuss the "Denver International Airport" "Illuminati Symbolism" "9/11 truth" "New World Order" Vatican "Bilderberg Group" WTC7 "David Icke" "Alex Jones" "Mark Dice" "Ron Paul" occult israel isis horus ra elohim lucifer fallen ones angels horned beast serpent dragon flying reptilan serpent 2012 song music mp3 disclosure project most important shift cleansing 2012 mother earth climatic galactic federation of light disaster pole shift end time new world new earth hopi prophecy Apocalypse Kornkreise we are all connected Kornkreis end world Rapture time asteroids Nostradamus native american calentamiento end of world end of the world as we know it end of paradigm symphony of science remix we are all connected song sing john boswell colorpulse glorious dawn new paradigm change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya END OF THE WORLD DOOMS DAY NEW AGE change evolution shift timewave zero terence mckenna 2012 sightings nostradamus dimensional shift omega dedroidify Mayan Calendar Apocalypse Pinchbeck i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati solar radiation Harmonic Convergence Great Shift cosmic cycle Pleiades The Photon belt Great Shift the wave of love red elk Galactic Federation solstice quetzalcoatl Pahana global warming pleiades orion singularity quantum revelations spirituality vision quest Apocalypse Armageddon endtime rapture apocalypto thunderbeing films ken thornton speed of light ufo alien technology galaxy travel voyage news precession carl sagan remix autotune auto tune auto-tune glorious dawn Lost Continents Civilizations Atlantis Mu Lemuria Sphinx Ancient Egypt Mayan Calendar Aztec Tiahuanaco Doomsday End of World nibiru Planet Nephlim Rapture time asteroids pole shift Nostradamus Hadron Collider CERN Experiment Pyramids Prophecy predictions precession equinox Moses Ramses Ramases Revelations Armageddon Golden Calf Exodus everybody dies Prophecy/Predictions science cosmos universe earth space milky way galaxy rise song sing remixed lemuria "Illuminati Shadow Government" & "High Frequency Trading"