Hey there, hope everyone is doing well. This patch was totally improvised and I was just experimenting with no intention in recording it but I kinda liked it so here we are. The voices used in this one are Odessa, ENOSC, Beads, 1u Intellijel osc and Belgrad. Odessa is droning and generating the main pad sound. Enosc, 1u osc along with the Variable Q VCF and Belgrad are generating most of the different textures. Katowice is eqing Enosc textures and the output is sent to Data Bender which is adding some extra glitchiness and interesting artifacts. Beads is in wavetable mode and generating the random lower notes. Clank Chaos is totally randomized and is sequencing everything along with the Quadrax. For modulation I used Ochd, Clep Diaz, Pams and Quadrax. Lastly, everything is mixed in Xer Dualis.
I can't provide more specific patch notes since this was just for experimentation and a 'lets patch this and see what happens' approach.
As always thanks for listening.
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Music by habn. Video by Matthias Groeneveld.